Stoc farchnad, cyfnewidfeydd stoc heddiw
Dyfyniadau stoc o 71229 o gwmnïau mewn amser real.
Stoc farchnad, cyfnewidfeydd stoc heddiw

Dyfyniadau stoc

Dyfyniadau stoc ar-lein

Hanes dyfynbrisiau stoc

Cyfalafu marchnad stoc

Difidendau Stoc

Elw o gyfranddaliadau cwmni

Adroddiadau ariannol

Cyfraniadau graddio o gwmnïau. Ble i fuddsoddi arian?

Cap farchnad WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust

Mae nifer y stoc masnachu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust heddiw a hanes cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust o ddechrau masnachu mewn cyfranddaliadau WHART.BK ar y gyfnewidfa stoc.
Ychwanegu at widgets
Ychwanegwyd at widgets

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust cyfalafu

Heddiw mae cyfalafu marchnad WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yn 35 674 935 296 Baht thai.

Cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust mewn doleri heddiw. Cyfalafu marchnad WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yw cyfanswm yr holl ddyfynbrisiau stoc WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust a gyhoeddwyd. Cyfrifir cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yn seiliedig ar fasnachu ar gyfnewidfa stoc. Cynyddodd cap marchnad WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust $ 0.

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust cyfaint o fasnach

Heddiw, cyfaint masnachu cyfranddaliadau WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust oedd 46 500 Baht thai.
-74 551 ฿ (-61.59%)
newid cyfaint y fasnach ers ddoe

Mae WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yn cael ei fasnachu ar wefannau masnachu amrywiol. Cyflwynir siart ddyddiol y gyfrol fasnachu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ar ein gwefan. WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust masnachu ar lawer o gyfnewidfeydd dyfynbrisiau stoc mewn amser real, rydym yn dangos cyfaint masnachu dyddiol WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust. Mae cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust wedi cynyddu o'i gymharu â ddoe.


WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust siart cap farchnad

Cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ar graff yn ôl blynyddoedd. Dros yr wythnos, mae cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust wedi newid gan 0.93%. Dros y flwyddyn, mae cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust wedi newid gan 0%. Mae cyfalafu marchnad WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust bellach yn hafal i 35 674 935 296 doler yr UD.

Wythnos Mis 3 mis Blwyddyn 3 blynedd

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust hanes cyfalafu

Dyddiad Cyfalafu
Cyfalafu (cyfalafu marchnad) yw gwerth marchnad pob cyfran o gwmnďau sy'n cael eu masnachu ar y gyfnewidfa stoc. Mae cyfalafu marchnad yn gyfartal â phris y cyfranddaliadau a luosir gan y nifer o gyfranddaliadau sy'n weddill.
03/05/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
02/05/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
28/04/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
27/04/2023 36 002 230 272 ฿
26/04/2023 36 002 230 272 ฿
25/04/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
24/04/2023 35 347 644 416 ฿

Siart gyfrol WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust

Wythnos Mis 3 mis Blwyddyn 3 blynedd

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust data hanes cyfrol

Dyddiad Cyfrol (24h)
Cyfaint masnachu cyfrannau WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yw cyfanswm yr holl drafodion gyda chyfrannau WHART.BK a brynwyd a'u gwerthu yn ystod y dyddiad a ddewiswyd.
03/05/2023 46 500 ฿
02/05/2023 121 051 ฿
28/04/2023 51 702 ฿
27/04/2023 35 900 ฿
26/04/2023 100 ฿
25/04/2023 311 720 ฿
24/04/2023 430 700 ฿

Cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yn doleri'r UD nawr yn 03/05/2023. 02/05/2023 WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust mae cyfalafu yn hafal i 35 674 935 296 doler yr UD. Cyfalafiad marchnad WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yn 28/04/2023 oedd 35 674 935 296 doler yr UD. Mae cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yn 27/04/2023 yn hafal i 36 002 230 272 doler yr UD.

Ar 26/04/2023, WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust cyfalafu marchnad oedd $ 36 002 230 272. Ar 25/04/2023, WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust cyfalafu marchnad oedd $ 35 674 935 296. Cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust oedd 35 347 644 416 Doler yr UD yn 24/04/2023.

Cyfalafu WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust heddiw yw 35 674 935 296 ฿. Mae cyfalafu marchnad WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust wedi newid i 0% o'i gymharu â ddoe. Y gyfran fasnachu o gyfranddaliadau WHART.BK o WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ar y diwrnod masnachu diwethaf oedd 46 500 ฿. Fe wnaeth cyfaint masnachu cyfrannau WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust newid i -61.586% o'i gymharu â'r diwrnod masnachu blaenorol.

Mae cost cyfranddaliadau WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust

Cyllid WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust